Here are a few pictures:
During the Shamu show, we got to see the latest addition to the killer whale family at Sea World, a new baby! They showed the baby being born which was extremely cool. Did you know killer whales are pregnant for 17 months? Oh...and newborns weigh about 350lbs. Killer whales also nurse their infants for at least a year but usually several months longer and the new mommies learn from the older females how to nurse their baby. I think that is so cool.
(Forgive me for the weird placement of the pictures...I'm still trying to figure that whole process out.)
The past few weeks have been busy and hot. We've had company, shared lots of good times with family and friends and have prayed through some difficult times with family and friends, both locally and out of town.
Summer is winding down and public schools start here on Monday. I'm going to be working with Andrew on getting down a morning routine but mostly just focusing on doing more together. We're going to do art multiple mornings a week, as well as try to get out and do some other activities like story time at the library. I've got some ideas for some art projects for us that I think he'll enjoy. Most of the time though, we'll just be making a mess! :D
I've got some upcoming blog ideas too...I really want to do a post about cloth diapers and how much I love them. I also am submitting a post to NursingFreedom about my decision to nurse in public. I'll publish that here at some point.
I'm trying to stay on top of it! :D
In other news...please keep our family in your prayers. We have received some very exciting information about new possibilities. I know that's vague...ha. But we will be sharing news very soon. And no...I'm not pregnant. Things are changing...that's for sure!
I hope everyone is doing well!
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